Adrenaline Rush!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

They say it's a game meant for me......NOT!

What a silly weird game. I was thinking to blog about my CNY celebrations for this post actually but then thanks to IAN LIM, I've got to post about this stupid game for this post. (i purposely use extra big font and bold for the rest of the people to know ;P )
and before I've made this post,I've just saw own my tagboard that people like sk and jayne wants to tag me.
So, as much as I "hated" it, let move on to the game......
Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Simple enough? Hmm.....but as a "weird" person like they labelled me, I will not play it the normal way, I'll play it 5 truth and 1 lie methods. The rules are the same, just that I will write down five facts which is weird myself and one crappy lie which I've made up. I'll let you guys go figure which are the facts and which is fiction about me.
Here goes.....
6 Weird Things About Me:
1. I really enjoyed playing this kind of game
2. When I'm walking on the streets and if there is a crack or a line on the floor I'll try to let or rather, 'make' my left foot cross first.
3.When I cannot get to sleep,I'll try to pretend to that I'm dreaming so I'll just imagine a random scene for myself until I really fall asleep. (btw,did you know that the wierd sleeping habits is the most popular weird things people blog about?)
4.I sometimes do talk to myself in the mirror,just like those you'll see in tv shows.
5.I've stopped watching pokemon only until last year
6.I used to think that the world was black and white a long time ago cause whenever the TV was trying to portray a event that was very long time ago,they would use black and white to show it.
6 unlucky people to do this thing......
1. Cheryl



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