Adrenaline Rush!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oh my goodness. I'm blogging again, at 3a.m!!!
What's wrong with me, I just can't seems to cultivate the habit of blogging at normal hours. Gosh.

Today.....or rather, yesterday I had just finished my second ICA ever. The ICA for marketing. I am so going to not score well for this paper lor, I think I should hit myself on the fingers. I mean c'mon the paper is so damn easy and I still don't know how to do. So, I just do what I do best, making up some crap to fill in the blanks.

I've just attended my uncle's funeral recently. By right, I should feel sad when I received the news of the death of my uncle. But somehow, for some reason...... I don't feel a thing for him. Perharps it's because I have little or brief memory about that guy. Or maybe..... I have no heart at all.
But the death of my uncle made me realised many things. No matter how much we dislike a person, have you ever thought of what if one day the person is dead, you miss those days that you've spent with that person.
Life is short, so make the full out of it. Treasure everyone around you.
My uncles' funeral was a rather small one. Maybe it's because they like to keep things low. I can't help to stop thinking what if one day I'm dead, will the people I know come and attend my funeral? Even my enemies? I hope that one day if I die, people around the world will weep for me.

Alright, enough of it. I don't feel like elaborating more about it now.



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