Adrenaline Rush!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Finally! Blogger can use already. I don't know what exactly is the problem but the engineer who was supposed to be sent over and look at the problem was apparently skiving lor. Anyway, I've changed my blog song already, it's 'Signal Fire' from Snow Patrol. It's taken from the spiderman sound track.

School is rather slack these days, I felt that weekends comes very quickly but goes just as fast.
And ya, if it wasn't for the blogger problem, I would have blogged about the Student Union camp. The camp is great though I felt lke a loner at the starting part if it wasn't for the fact that Melvin and Marvin pang sei-ed me. Great friends indeed huh? Nevermind lah, I won't leave the camp just because they never join me. They missed out all the fun, It's their loss. HAHAHA

Man, I'm feeling unwell now. Crap. And tomorrow's gonna be a busy day



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