Adrenaline Rush!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

lol, I promised to update a little more about what happened during the camp and cruise right, seems that it was abit too late.

ANYWAYS, the cruise I guess? just that I would not go with my mom or aunt or cousin or cousin's wife or nephews next time. Cause when all of them get together, they tend to talk about stuffs which I am totally not intersted in. Seriously. But the cruise was kinda enjoyable anyways. Maybe becase those people whon went for the study cruise went took the saem cruise as well.

The leadership camp was tiring, it reminds me of when I was a secondary boy when I was in boys' brigade. (it's training camp you see, so it's like punishment and all. etc..) But I do have to say... MY GROUP IS SUPER UNITED! They were all very motivating and encourage each other every now and then. Which is...pretty cool. I'm already missing them already. But fret not, we already arrange to meet on the 27th of March right before the OGL camp.

And today....back from AQ mock race which is yet another tiring thing. All we did was running running and running running and running running. Then abit of biking, Really abit. Hah.

Alright, I'm done for today. But who knows when is the next time I would blog again....



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